Friday, April 9, 2010

Evangalizing tis hard work

I'm not very good at it. I should be though, all it is is just PR fo Jesus! So it's weekend time again, and of course the weather dropped and its no longer good beach weather. Oh well. I'm behind on finishing my jokes but I should be able to catch up in these next couple days. My HO took off my hold so I am good to go! Ready for next semester. I've been down lately, things have been looking hard but things always end up ok. I need to remember no matter what things will work out for the best. You gotta trust the world is not out to plot your death. I set out with the original goal to just perform once on stage. That's all I have to do, and it's all possible. I believe now anythings possible, maybe not directly the way you want it to be, but in some way anything is possible. Man wanted to fly, well we built an airplane. Michael Jackson wanted to be white, and he did it. That's all I'm saying anything can be done one way or another.

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