Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You'll pay for this Captain Planet

So i'm picking up my parents today from the airport. This weekend has been an interesting experience that I hope I never have to repeat again. I also lost my camera, I think someone stole it but I'm not sure it was cheap anyway but the memory stick was not..I don't think I really learned anything, but some of priorities have been put back in place so that is good. It's funny I completely forgot I have work tomorrow too until someone texted me today about shifts. Anyway not to be so boring I will leave you with this: Random girl whose name escapes me and I will never run into again.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Been awhile

I decided I could use a place to write some useless stuff. Life Update; going to school, love it but home for the summer right now and hate it. My parents went out of town so i threw a party at my house. This was the first time I ever really had done something like that but it went pretty well. Everyone had a good time, my house wasn't trashed and I got sufficiently shitty. On the bad side tho alot of my friends bitched out, I only made 30 dollars back, I ended up calling my ex gf like a dumbass and my friend was pulled over and taken to jail, not that he should of been driving in the first place.

Basically it was a pretty good night I'd give it 84% out of 100. Yes it was specifically 84% good.
Right now i'm just kind of chillin til my parents come back. I dont think i'm throwin down again, too much pressure and stress. I think I might comeback to writing on this thing, its not like much else is going on in my life ha