Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sweet Deal.

Got housing next year. Thank the Lord. The system tried to screw me but I went straight to the housing office and got it cleared. I will officially be living in the best place on campus next semester. Perfect right in the middle on campus apartment. I had the chance to live with some steady people at a good place for next year but I turned it down. There's really no reason for me to be off campus yet. I don't party crazy anymore so besides that there's really no incentive to be anywhere else. My senior year I'm gonna find a house though. Just cause. Job's aren't looking too good for the summer. MY resume is a joke. Just like my comedy career. Officially wrote joke #4 yesterday, I have 13 more give or take. Should have a full set to pick and rehearse from. I'm Running out of time tho. It's march 24 and I go home May 7th. My plan is to perform by May 15th. That means I need to be rehearsing by at least May 1st. At best I'd like to be rehearsing by April 21st. April 20 is taken... ha. raw bah. So my jokes need to be completely revised by April 19th. And I need to finish them by April 15th. Tax day. Which reminds me I gotta get on that. Gotta pay my own taxes but i can't go into a bar and order a Guinness.

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