Monday, November 9, 2009

I love no class this morning

Or how my cellphone doesnt work. Aye. Had a good weekend made me forget that I have court this next friday. Im not worried just gotta get a pd. Anyway Friday night my friends K,R,S,& S had a wig party. Lots of juice and a keg plus lots of crazy wigs ( even tho I kinda copped out ). I got super shwasted, and don't remember how I arrived at my place of residence the next morning. I also had some bruises ha. Saturday my brother came down to visit. It was cool went to the game, and showed him my campus but honestly he's too old to party at 28 ( even though my friends thought he looked around 21). Luckily he was just kinda tired so we ended up watching the bully beat down host miller get his ass beat on nbc. And the heavy weight championship was pretty good too.

Crunkness: 9 /10
- The stuff ran out right as I was approaching madcrunkness ha. But it all caught out eventually. I was goooone

Fun: 8.5 /10
- Fun night, Quarters and bp going all night. Talking about wigs and telling my friends they look better with them than normal is always good for a laugh.

Atmosphere: 9/10
-Great atmosphere, all my friends, and not too many randoms but enough to talk to when bored. Definitely one of the better things about being an upperclassmen; most my friends have houses now.

Extras: 8.5 /10
- Friend from last year m showed up, everyone was excited to see her. Other friend m came and he's always funny. Wigs definitely count as an extra such good convo starters.

8 /10
- Played alot of bp and quarters, and apparently I was being mad funny as if I remembered ha. Anyway good times. Not sure how I got home but im sure that was a crazy story.

Overall: 9 /10
- just plain fun. Love parties with all my friends. good conversations lots of games & of course wigs.

btw these cups are full of mountain dew CODE RED! & I'm on the right

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