Monday, October 12, 2009

Home fo the weekend; but why don't my parents keep the heat above 68

It's freezing in this house. Anyway I came home for columbus day weekend. None of my other friends have a fall break but it's all good. I got to catch up with some old nova friends. I saw kl, b, c, and rr. Anyway it was good to see one of my friends who didnt come back to college this year. PArtied pretty hard. I also discovered the true evil of beerbongs.

Crunkness: 9/10
-Thank God fo DD's ha. Pregamed on a bottle of pomegranate burnettes. Then head to a house with a fridge stocked full of budlight. Only to discover I would not be drinking from the can's but some sort of funnel device that should probably never been invented.

Fun: 9/10
-So much fun, even tho this party was alittle far from my nbhood. I still knew tons of people from before I moved.

Atmosphere: 9/10
-Everyone was hella friendly. I'm surprised now but didnt think about it then. Of course theres always one girl whose way overly friendly and then you find out she has a boyfriend the next day ha.

Extras: 10/10
-Seeing tons of old friends I used to be super tight with was the shit. The free ride home and beer bong was legit too.

Shenigans: 8/10
-I won't lie, it was conversation kinda night. Did some stuff but nothing wild

Overall: 9/10 Great night. Probably couldnt be better for the situation. Give it a few more escapades and it probably would of been a 10/10. It's funny how much harder these kids party than people i was friends with in hs.

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