Monday, September 6, 2010

forget everything you read before

The protagonist] I don't know what to do close friend from the past whose relevance has waned in recent years. On one hand I have these friends who are complete stoner's with no ambition or direction in life. Just floating day by day while opportunity passes them. And on the other hand I have my other friends who have the right idea, want to finish school and all that but also have the maturity of 12 year olds. No one wants to be friendless but I can't see myself being lifelong friends with any of these people. Is there some reason losers flock to me, since when was I proclaimed king of the losers. Should I just accept my position as king of the losers or continue my quest of being the most loserish non loser.

Friend] Have you tried not being a self-centered jackass.

Protagonist] There has to be a point where a person's own happiness outdoes the concern of everyone else thinking they're a jackass.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have to get back on stage.

I have a new act, I just need to rehearse it..

I see people living their lives and I see myself doing nothing.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Things I've Accomplished Today


1. Mowed the lawn (Got paid and tan) - 4pts
2. Got some stars in Mario Galaxy - 2pts
3. Picked up my paycheck - 3pts
4. Picked up some stacker 3 - 3pts
5. Read a ch from the Bible - 5 pts
6. Didn't do that - 5 pts
7. Worked on my jokes - 2pts
- Total: 24pts = Good Day

Notes: that stacker 3 is insane...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things I've Accomplished Today


1. Worked out - 5pts
2. Cleaned my room - 1pt
3. Got 4 stars in Mario Galaxy - 2pts
4. Read a ch from the bible - 5pts
5. Went on a "run" - 1pt
6. Didn't do that - 5pts
7. Finished season 4 of weeds - 1 pt
8. Worked on my comic routine - 4pts
- Total: 24pts = Good Day

Notes: I'm sleepy, one point away from a Great day, but this one was still pretty good. Tomorrow will be better. PAY DAY!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Things I've Accomplished Today

Mo' Accomplishments

1. Took out the trash - 2pts
2. Didn't do that - 5pts
3. Got 3 stars on Mario Galaxy - 2pts
4. Checked my schedule at Party city - 3pts
5. Read a chapter from the bible - 5pts
6. Worked on my Routine (some) - 3pts
- Total: 20pts - Good Day

Notes: I struggled to make this day mean something, in the end it was successful. I'm sick right now, hopefully I will be over it early because of the large amounts of Vitamin C, and multivitamins. Contemplating whether I should smoke or not, I think I'll pass I need to feel better as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Things I've Accomplished Today


1. Did the dishes - 2pts
2. Exercised (despite maybe having the flu) - 5pts
3. Read a chapter from the bible (Easy points!) - 5pts
4. Haven't done that -5pts
5. Worked on my Comedy Routine - 4pts
6. Got a star in Mario Galaxy, unlocked and ending in TVC - 2pts
- Total: 23pts = Good Day

Notes: It's only 5pm so there's still time to do more. Such as working on my comedy routine which will probably happen. I've also come up with a scoreboard to make these points more useful. The amount of points being how meaningful my day has been.

Point Scale
- 40+ pts = Outstanding
- 30+ pts = Excellent
- 25+ pts = Great
- 20+ pts = Good
- 10+ pts = Average
- 00+ pts = Poor

Monday, May 24, 2010

So i'm starting something new..

Things I accomplished today

So I'm changing the format of this place once again. I just thought of this new Idea in the shower 2 mins ago. Basically from now on I will update everyday with a list of things I've "Accomplished" which can be anything from baking a cake to curing cancer. I'm doing this because I'm tired of feeling like I waste each day. Honestly everyday where nothing is accomplished is a day lost. One day I will turn 25 and I want to have something to show for the last 5 years I've lived. I want to do something with my life & If i write down each day what I do of importance i feel like that will encourage me to make the most of that day. I don't know how anyone can not consider every single day a gift to do something. I used to think there was Adventure only in movies or books but that's not true. Adventure is right around us all. We all have the choice and power to get up, go anywhere and do anything we choose. People don't do this though, I don't even do this but I will.

So the rules of this are very simple. I update everyday, all the things I've 'accomplished' and If I do not write it by 12 then I have accomplished nothing that day (of course there are exceptions tho) I won't always write a huge speel everyday, just what I accomplish. There's a max of 10 accomplishments per day and new accomplishments can always be added until midnight. I actually think this would be a really cool concept for a website but I have no knowledge, resources or cash to do this. Finally there's the point system but it's whose line is it anyway style. 5pt's for most important accomplishments, 1 point for least and that is all up to the accomplished. They don't mean anything but it's more rewarding when there's some sort of # or mark to show for what a person has done. So no mo' ado.

1. Created this 'accomplishment' Idea - 4pts
2. Picked up some stacker 3 XPLC - 4pts
3. Read a chapter from the bible - 5pts
4. Unlocked an ending from this game TVC - 2pts
5. Worked on a new routine - 4pts
- 19 pts total

Right now as you see I haven't done much today, but I hope that seeing the amount of things I do everyday (which is usually little) I'll be encouraged to do more. But I do have until Midnight to keep adding accomplishments.