Friday, January 1, 2010


Things to Remember: Eggs, Bananas, Cranberry juice + Water. They say advil helps and I take it like candy but I never feel a difference. Caffeine in the form of a pill can help because caffeine expands blood vessels in the brain but it also dehydrates you so you have to drink more water to compensate: But doesnt everyone do that anyway when hungover?

So new years eve was a shit show. Never ended up going to k's party because no one was thurr when I showed up. And I showed up at 9:30 prime party time. So under these circumstances I was hard pressed to find a party. This year it was mostly small things and my friends had all dispersed to random pow wows that I probably wouldnt have fun at anyway. So I call up my neighbor/friend/smokingbuddy (this is when I know I'm desperate) And he's at a small party with this guy we went to highschool with, and I'm like hell yea somewhere to go, I'm in. And then he's like by the way its an all black party. To which I got there and it was. My other friend and I were the only white people. That said it was still a pretty fun party for somewhere I didn't know anyone.

Crunkness: 8.5/10 - Maybe Alittle too crunk by the end of the night, but i never seemed to run out of coors. had a little ganja and champagne. It was all good

Fun: 8 /10 - Just knowing I didn't spend new years alone with a 12 pack is pretty reassuring. I had fun; mostly I was just glad to be somewhere.

Atmosphere: 8.5/10 -Ha it was kinda weird being the only white person at first, but everyone was friendly(for the most part). I did something i hadn't done in a long time which was party with adults lol. They were pretty cool tho

Extras: 9 /10 - Props to this one, the night was full of unexpected things, and mostly good ones too.

Shenanigans: 8/10 - well theres blood spots all over my carpet because I cut my toe lol. the party I was at was just a huge shenanigans fest.

Overall: 8.3/10 -
I had fun, but I couldnt see myself partying like this everyweekend. Definitely a good one time thing. I gotta go the random 8.3 tho, better than a 8/10 night but not quite a 8.5, eitherway I had a fun time and probably wont forget this nye

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