Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I guess I should write about my weekend

Meh. Got back home friday. We had a massive snow blizzard here in the nothern va. But it didnt stop us from partying! I saw a good amount of my hs friends, and randoms. I've got to be honest, this party is for my triplet friends and it's always been sort of a tradition but this year was just kind of wack. The '07 and '09 kids from my highschool are lame for the most part. My class 08 is small and not very into partying. Not to mention it started snowing at 9 so even less people came out. I still had a decent time out but previous years had been better. I also had to limit my consumption because of the nasty roads.

Crunkness: 8/10 - I did pretty well for knowing a drive home early was in order. I felt pretty good when I left, when I actually got home I felt kinda crunk ha.

Fun: 7.5 /10 - I had fun, it was good to see most my friends. Too many people I know, but I wasn't tight with tho. Not to mention drinking games were nearly absent.

Atmosphere: 7.5/10 -Again all people I know, too many I don't care about. I mostly stuck with my friends, thankfully there were enough people I liked to conversation hop.

Extras: 7.5 /10 -The skippy ran out in 30 minutes, beer availability seemed to be questionable (finally a run was made). Seeing old friends is probably the only thing that kept this afloat bitch.

Shenanigans: 5 /10 - Nothing absolutely nothing crazy. I heard people so spent the night had a few, but this party was house cat not a lion. The only thing close was my search for beer in the basement. Apparently too many freeloaders came in and coors had to be hidden, but not from me I get my shit!

Overall: 7 /10 - This party struggled, but came out alive. I might have to party with college friends after this affair tho.

Btw this is too funnyto leave out!

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