Crunkness: 9 /10
- The stuff ran out right as I was approaching madcrunkness ha. But it all caught out eventually. I was goooone
Fun: 8.5 /10
- Fun night, Quarters and bp going all night. Talking about wigs and telling my friends they look better with them than normal is always good for a laugh.
Atmosphere: 9/10
-Great atmosphere, all my friends, and not too many randoms but enough to talk to when bored. Definitely one of the better things about being an upperclassmen; most my friends have houses now.
Extras: 8.5 /10
- Friend from last year m showed up, everyone was excited to see her. Other friend m came and he's always funny. Wigs definitely count as an extra such good convo starters.
Shenigans: 8 /10
- Played alot of bp and quarters, and apparently I was being mad funny as if I remembered ha. Anyway good times. Not sure how I got home but im sure that was a crazy story.
Overall: 9 /10
- just plain fun. Love parties with all my friends. good conversations lots of games & of course wigs.
btw these cups are full of mountain dew CODE RED! & I'm on the right

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