Things going alright this week. It's only wednesday but oh well. This weekend should be fun, my friends having a formal cocktail party. It should be a nice change from the schloppy regular ones I go to. I think I'm getting sick so I need to take care of that before it gets bad, I just avoided a cold like 2 weeks ago. Anyway I've had this song stuck in my head for the last couple days. It's by one hit wonder fountains of wayne but it's not stacys mom
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nice Bounceeee
Too my surprise I had a pretty good weekend. I think it's mostly because I did not expect much which led to surprises. My parents came down and visited me this weekend. It wasn't as bad as I thought, I actually enjoyed the time. it was nice to see them again.. and get food. Friday night my parents came down around 5, we had dinner, and saw the movie up shown by out student council. I had never seen it so it was straight. I also showed them my place since they hadnt seen it. Afterwards I went over to ryan's place. It was chill had some so co, and natty. no parties were going on so it was good to do something. Saturday I woke up, went to breakfast with my folks, ate food, later on we tailgated ate more food then went to the game. Luckily the crowd wasnt talking like sailors. My parents are old fashion, no cursing classy people. So I'm glad it wasnt that bad I only heard bullshit 4 times and no F bombsss.We lost 28 to 31 tho which sucked we would of been 4-0. After wards I hit up myfriends bp tournament. Now i'm not good at bp, but some how me and my friend got 3rd place. And we lost by one cup in the semifinals. House rules were wack we did notget redemption for some stupid technicality. Anyway had a fun night and I wasnt even that gone. This is getting kind a long tho so im just gonna gonna wrap it up like a 70 year old on cialis.
Crunkness: 7/10
-As for actual crunkness, I didnt get too bad, but considering I had to stay in my game for the bp tourney I was exactly where I needed to be.
Fun: 9/10
-Exciting rush on saturday night, Getting all the way to the semifinals and losing by one cup. I'd do it again if I could.
Atmosphere: 6/10
-Not bad.. definitely people I didnt know, good amount I did. People werent overly friendly at first but surprisingly once me and my friend starting winning games alot of random people started talking to us.
- Definitely didnt expect to do as well as I did which was nice. My friend also found a stray kitten and of course we brought it in from the rain and went crazy smothering it hah. the so co shots on friday night were nice too.
Shenigans: 7/10
-Same old crazy stuff, making bad passes on peoples gf's and things. Nothing too crazy tho
Overall: 8.5/10
- Good, Good solid weekend, especially after a dry spell. As much as I want to give it a higher score, i know I've had even better ones in the past, but im def nothing but happy after this one.
I know im pushing this but this songs trippin me out
Crunkness: 7/10
-As for actual crunkness, I didnt get too bad, but considering I had to stay in my game for the bp tourney I was exactly where I needed to be.
Fun: 9/10
-Exciting rush on saturday night, Getting all the way to the semifinals and losing by one cup. I'd do it again if I could.
Atmosphere: 6/10
-Not bad.. definitely people I didnt know, good amount I did. People werent overly friendly at first but surprisingly once me and my friend starting winning games alot of random people started talking to us.
- Definitely didnt expect to do as well as I did which was nice. My friend also found a stray kitten and of course we brought it in from the rain and went crazy smothering it hah. the so co shots on friday night were nice too.
Shenigans: 7/10
-Same old crazy stuff, making bad passes on peoples gf's and things. Nothing too crazy tho
Overall: 8.5/10
- Good, Good solid weekend, especially after a dry spell. As much as I want to give it a higher score, i know I've had even better ones in the past, but im def nothing but happy after this one.
I know im pushing this but this songs trippin me out
Thursday, September 24, 2009
This is Sparta
I just watched Yes Man, quite the inspirational movie. Especially since things have been a little boring for me lately. So I'm going to say yes to everything for a week, except for stupidbullshitthings people would try to play. That said, why not? But fo real 7 days This Friday to next Friday, All yes. On a different note my parents are coming to visit this weekend they'll be here tomorrow at 4. Atleast theyre bringing me food. Hopefully they wont be offended by drunk college kids at the football game. I'm not sure how this will affect my partying game this weekend, I was hoping to come back like bam after last week but I'll see what comes. Bp tournament this weekend if I can make it out. I should get to bed though, sleeping might be hard I've been stoned the last three nights before i went to bed. looks like its advil od time, ha just kidding kind of
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Now jump up and get crazy
I've been messing around with madtracker lately, its this free program that makes beats. After 7 months I'm finally learning how to structure songsish. One day I'll be a famous rapper or something. I realized I actually do like going to my classes. It gives me something to do, so does homework. I think I bombed my marketing test. It was the damn product Growth Martix. I hate doing bad on the first test in a class. It puts so much pressure on the other tests. On the up my spanish 2 test went great. I have two tests next week, I need to get to work on Oceanography. Oceanography & Marketing are probably going to be my most challenging classes this semester; Communications my throw me off some but hopefully not. Anyway I leave you with me and my dawg ontop of our friends car

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Fail. FailFailFail
It figures my Satruday night would suck too. I feel like a loser posting twice in a weekend, but who am i kiddin I am one. not. ish. My saturday night was wack too. Went to a party, got 2 cups ; keg was tapped. Peaced on my friends with other friends I met at the party to go hang out with maryjane. But like the dumbasses we are, the 3 of us decided to roll right on campus. Cops came, my friend got arrested. I felt bad me and this other girl just got to leave. It was stupid, apparently my friends alright. Then I met up with my other friends from the original party, they peaced said it was lame. I went over to m's afterwards but that was wack too. I ended up going home pretty sober, only to wake up today so I can study for 2 tests. This weekend gets a 3/10. I'll give it some points for the attempt on my part to have fun, but mostly it was just a downer. I rate my weekends by 4 catagories. I know this is worst weekend to go into this but I have along day of hw to do.
Crunkness: 3/10
fun: 1/10
Atmosphere: 4/10
Shenigans: 4/10
Extras really just includes people I meet, randoms things that happens. misc things. Shenigans is well, drunk shenigans.
Crunkness: 3/10
fun: 1/10
Atmosphere: 4/10
Shenigans: 4/10
Extras really just includes people I meet, randoms things that happens. misc things. Shenigans is well, drunk shenigans.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
homework on a saturday.
I got my fake taken yesteday. it ruined my friday I was in a terrible mood. didn;t really drink peaced out at 11:30. Depressing. I think I'm ready to party again tonight.. I did my mourning yesterday, what pisses my off is now I have to depend on other people to get stuff, and I'm just going to think about how I used to not to. Not to mention things arent going well with my friends really. Now I have a shit ton of work to do tonight, and alot more studying to do tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is it sad the most exciting part of my week is my classes
I've just accepted the fact that I can't fall asleep until 2am now. It's not my fault, I wake up at 10am everyday(excluding weekends)and I try to fall asleep by 1 but I cant. Usually I end up getting into bed at 12am flat, and literally I just lay there until 2 sometimes 3. I don't know if thats insomnia but I legit cant cant sleep. I'll probably look up some tylenol pm later. It's been a slow week, two days has felt like forever. Monday I have 5 classes though. Tomorrow I only have 4, Friday 3. It keeps getting better. What really sucks is my 1 tuesday thursday class. It shits on my whole schedule. On the good side I feel like I finally get my Oceanography class, right at the last possible second where I still have time to turn everything around. Theres still Like 2 weeks before our first exam. I don't know why but I feel like I have no excuse to get nothing but great grades. I mean last year I was party'd out atleast 2 nights a week, always if not more. Some weeks I was trashed all 7 days. And now all my partying is exclusively on week days. Even with this feeling my goal is still above a 3.6, which would be a 3.7 an exact tie with my first semester of last year. Anyway I've babbled about this shit too long. Tomorrows wednesday, another chance for success
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Learned Doctors
So the weekend came and life was good again. I had alot of fun but dealt with alot of house owning douchebags. Friday night is really a blur. Not much happened, chilled at a friends place drank some shat. Saturday I went to our game, legit ownage we won 49 to 17, jump to 2-0. The Game was mad fun, first one I've been to. Saturday night, hit up this place, the party was bouncing but the people at the door were straight ignant shits. It's all good I had fun and didnt pay 5 bucks either, and still drank their shitty ass beer. Oh yeaa. After that walked with a shit ton of people to another party that was busted, but we set up shop made jungle juice and got maddd shwasted. I'd give this weekend a Reasonable 8.5/10: a good solid weekend with some oh snap moments, but dragged down by house owning douches. Anyway so i'm sort of a mini celebrity now. You should be my fan its to the Right.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's called hot and heavy?
how the hell did this happen. I couldn't write earlier, but now I think I can. You know what I hate, you can be the world's best soldier ever, and still die from the worlds worst soldier by a via gun. I could (never will) write an award winning novel right here, and no one would know. I haven't had a good day today but it's not the kind of bad day I can really write about. I like to think of myself as a confident person, but not every situation can really have a confident spin on it. Everything is always better in hindsight, but why is that. Why do people set unreasonable expectations from the past on their present. I know this is about me, I can blame other people for things, but if I enjoy or do not enjoy my life that is all me. I don't know where to go from here. I feel like I improve in one area of my life and then realize I need work somewhere else where I thought things were going well. Anyway I long for the old days with my pet paanda, and his toad friend.

Monday, September 7, 2009
being hungry sucks
Good weekend. enough said. I was mad rucked up. Our school had it's first football game in 69 years. People were tailgating everything was crazy. I passed out mad early that night though. Probably because I started too early My friday night was a blur. Had labor day off today, got my shit done, gotta go to the bank tomorrow tho. Thats about all I can say though I'd give my weekend a 8/10 . Side note this has been entertaining me for the last couple days.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
thirsty thursdays
George Lopez heals the pain. I never thought I'd be bored a week into college but I am. Not the same kind of bored I was during summer, more of a disappointed bored that everything is different now. My weekends SHOULD still be good. I guess I'll find out this one, if I can get 2 for 2 i'll feel pretty good. Classes are straight so far, met some people but nothing on the serious side yet. Thinking about joining a club this year. I need an extracirricular if i decide to transfer to virginia. It depends if I get above a 3.6 this semester. I try not to get to personal but yeah things need to change alittle. I think i might need less piece of shit friends.
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